Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Wednesday is Here

Wednesday is here already
And I am far behind
My house is a mess
And I must confess
I don't know how to make it shine!

There is too much stuff on the counter
And the dishes are still in the sink
The brocolli in the crisper
Is brown and beginning to stink!

My office is so full of stuff
In shelves and on the floor
That last night as hard as I tried
I could not close the door.

I called Goodwill and others
And told them to send trucks to me
So I can send away all of clutter
And the floors of my office could see!

The new year has brought resolutions
To do better at managing my mess
But so far I'm still overwhelmed
And have not made a lot of progress!


1 comment:

katie said...

Are you sure you're not peeking in my house.
Thanks for the smile.
Have an awesome day.
Can't wait to check back frequently for these.
