Friday, April 01, 2011

Where Love Once Lived

I saw a house where love once lived
The moment I saw it I knew.
And I could tell from your eyes
That you knew it too.
We stepped up on the front porch
Which was so long and wide
And since the front door swung open
We were able to go inside.
Although it had been many a year
Since inhabitants had lived therein
I knew that love and joy
The heart of this house had been.
The hallway seemed so familiar
As did the stairway to the floor above
As I continued my exploration
I felt so surrounded by love.
How strange that this house so empty
Was not tattered and torn
But seemed to be just lived in
And no more than normally worn.
It was then when I awakened
And knew it had been a dream
For the house I had been visiting
So comforting, cozy and warm
Was the house of my childhood,
The house where I was born.

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