Saturday, January 28, 2012

Don't Give Up

Don't give up!
Don't give out!
Faith in God
Is what life is about!
Things may be difficult
The future may look dim
But God is our hope
Just look to Him.
He doesn't promise
That life will be pain free
But He promises us the blessed hope
Of life with Him eternally.
The best exercise
That we can all daily share
Is bending our knees and folding our hands
As we go to Him in prayer.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My cat is a brilliant cat

My cat is a brilliant cat
In fact she has me trained
To meet her every need
At first her job was difficult
But she was able to succeed!

Does God Have a Sense of Humor

Some people think Christians
In order to be faithful and true
Must be very quiet
Solemn and dignified
In all they say and do.
They question if God
Has a sense of humor
And debate if it is true
For they know as our Creator
He has so awfully much to do.
But I stand before you
As an example for all to see
He must have a sense of humor
For He lovingly created me!


Old Age Has Snuck Up On Me

Old age has snuck up on me
When I wasn’t looking
Perhaps whilst I was sleeping
Or maybe when I was cooking.
She has placed some aggravating
And confusing things for me to bear
Such as the loss of muscle strength
But a preponderance of strange and useless hair!
Sadly when I comb my head I find it thinning there!
I have new meds to take each morn
With some to take at night
I only hope my mind holds up
Letting me get the directions right!
The directions on each bottle
Although sometimes confusing
Provide daily exercise for me
With their “Shake well before using!”
I’m not complaining about it
So please don’t get me wrong
I just want you to be prepared
When these symptoms come along!
Don’t fuss or fret about it
And don’t try to fight
For with all the hindrances involved
There are some things which bring delight.
People give you latitude
When you don’t get something right.
They exchange a wink or two
At things you may say or do
Not realizing that though your ears are bad
The lenses in your eyes are new!

Monday, January 02, 2012

Happy Happy Birthday (New Year)

Happy Happy Birthday

Happy Happy Birthday
What can I say
But fortunate is the person
Whose birthday is today!
A chance to start the year anew
A clean slate of a year
Especially for you!