Saturday, April 16, 2011

Our Flowers

We looked at flowers for our home
At various shops today
And for our household
Plastic seems the only way.
No one remembers to water them
Or give them plant food to eat
And plastic or silk flowers
Always look bright and neat..
We are free from pruning and watering
And horticulture as a whole
We took change of the whole blooming mess
And have our flowers under control!

Friday, April 15, 2011

A Little Boy's Prayer

Little Boys Prayer

I turned out the light
And walked out the door
But something, a gentle whisper,
certainly nothing more
Kept me from moving farther away
And it was then I heard my little one pray...

Kneeling there
At the side of his bed
With tiny hands folded
And bowing his head
These were the words my little one said:

"God bless my Daddy
And keep him safe each day
And tell him please
We miss him so
Since he had to go away.

God bless my Mommy too
And tell her not to cry
That you are keeping Daddy safe
And can see him from the sky.

Sometimes I hear My Mommy
Crying in her room at night
She thinks that I don't hear her
After she turns out the light.

It's not that I am nosey
Or doing something I ought not to do
You see Dear God I hear her
Because I am crying too..."

With eyes brimming full of tears
I quietly walked away that night
But suddenly felt within my heart
That I would be all right.

I could not say what God would do
But I knew we were surely in His care
And felt so gently reassured
By one tiny little boy's prayer...


Saturday, April 09, 2011

When You Call 911

When you call 911

When we call 911 in times of distress
The person who responds in the ambulance
Doesn’t know who we might be.
But they come to attend us
And help in our emergency.

An ambulance shows up
With medically trained personnel
Who will do everything they can
To get us on the path to being well.

They do the things that we would expect
From the staff in an emergency room
Built to handle all of the major ills
But they do it on the go-
An ER on wheels!

The Paramedic

The Paramedic

We go to a doctor in his office
And see modern machinery everywhere.
We get to know our family physician
And at each visit, our history we share.

Consider the Paramedic
Who arrives with ambulance on the scene
Of a medical emergency
To help an unknown human being.

Without the history held in a doctor’s office
And without knowing the patient’s temperament
He or she goes where duty calls
And does the task for which they were sent.

We do not question the regard for doctors
What would we ever do without their care??
But lets also appreciate and applaud the paramedics
Supporting them with our appreciation and uplifting them in prayer.

Prayer for Those Who are Ill

Father I lift up my dear friend
Asking that an angel you would send
To cheer them while they are feeling blue
For their hope and faith is always in You.

They have been so ill yet have stayed true
To the love and confidence they hold in You
And always ask those who come their way
To take the time for them to pray.

They look to you and trust you to heal.
Their faith is strong and their love is real.
They honor You in all they do
And share each day their love for you.

They do not question your wisdom
And they say Your timing is never late
They praise You with their lives and lips
And each of Your gifts they appreciate.

I ask that you You would answer their prayer;
I pray that You would meet them there,
Reach out with Your healing touch
And bless this one who loves You so much.
In Jesus Name

Thursday, April 07, 2011

I Can't Resist

I can turn down hot fudge sundaes
Any day of the week
Take eggnog away from me at Christmas
And you won't hear a peep.
Cancel out chocolate pudding
And I won't shed a tear
But there is something I can't resist
That comes out once a year...
Little yellow chicks and bunnies
All lined up in a row
Soft and swishy insides
Sprinkled with sugar, don't ya know?
I open up the package and let the air get to it
And then after time has passed I say
"I think that should do it!"
I take out those little dainty creatures
(I think you know of what I speak)
And indulge myself once a year
Eating every single purchased PEEP!

Friday, April 01, 2011

Where Love Once Lived

I saw a house where love once lived
The moment I saw it I knew.
And I could tell from your eyes
That you knew it too.
We stepped up on the front porch
Which was so long and wide
And since the front door swung open
We were able to go inside.
Although it had been many a year
Since inhabitants had lived therein
I knew that love and joy
The heart of this house had been.
The hallway seemed so familiar
As did the stairway to the floor above
As I continued my exploration
I felt so surrounded by love.
How strange that this house so empty
Was not tattered and torn
But seemed to be just lived in
And no more than normally worn.
It was then when I awakened
And knew it had been a dream
For the house I had been visiting
So comforting, cozy and warm
Was the house of my childhood,
The house where I was born.