Sunday, December 11, 2016

Mom saw a commercial on TV

Mom saw a commercial on TV
That promised to erase those lines
That were showing up on Mom's face
(But we thought she looked just fine.)

Then she found a creme at the store
That promised to erase ten years
By just applying it each day
Beginning right below her ears.

Her friend brought a free sample of oils
So promising that Mom got 'em
That promised to renew her complexion
Making it as soft as a baby's bottom.

The list went on and on that way
With products to make my Mom
Look younger and younger
Every single day.

To Mom they all sounded promising
And each impressed her uniquely
But Mom ordered every single one
And has disappeared completely!
Thena Cullen Smith

Tuesday, December 06, 2016

When people make you cry

When people make you cry, forgive them
For they are the losers in the end
They have missed a chance to encourage
A truly wonderful friend.
When family makes you cry
It is really sad to say
There's nothing you can do
If they are prone to be that way!
Just love them anyway
And make it a point to be
Always the first with love
At any opportunity!
And even if it seems to be
A losing battle to you now
You will be the winner in the end
Some day, somewhere ...somehow!
Never rush to be the one
Who has the cutting remark
But rather be the one to rush ahead
To help heal a hurting heart!
Thena Smith

Saturday, August 27, 2016

God Loves You

Sometimes we feel so out of it
So close to hurt and despair
That we wonder if God listens
And if He hears our prayer.
Just because He doesn’t always answer
In the way we want Him to
Doesn’t mean He doesn’t answer
In the way that’s best for you.
He knows and sees the future
And knows what is ahead of us each day
So we just have to trust in Him
And His answer when we pray.
Just know that the Father loves you
And wants you to know
And each day He sends you angels
In the shape of loving friends
Just to tell you so!

The Road that Brought Me Here

I didn’t always understand
Why certain things happened
Even as a little kid
It seems some of the things I did
Should have worked out differently
Than they did for me.
Time went on and still I tried my best
Sometimes passing and sometimes failing
At life’s little tests.
I always tried to be upbeat
As we moved from the country into town
Faced life with mostly smiles
Trying not to give place to a frown.
Sometimes sadness and sorrow
Were too close by and got me down
But I was picked up again
By my loved ones who were around.
I’ve never been one to give place to depression
And always been the first to find a reason to cheer
That’s why I praise the Father up above
For the the road that brought me here.
