Friday, October 06, 2017

Johnny Told a Lie Today

Johnny told a lie today
And he knew I knew he did.
He may be able to fool some folks
But he can’t fool this kid!

He told the teacher, Mrs. B, that he did his work,
But dropped it on the floor,
When along came his St Bernard
And ran with it out the door!
Johnny told a lie today
(He's not an honest lad).
He said he lost the note
That the teacher wrote
For him to give to Dad.
Johnny told a whopper today
And doesn’t think our parents know
He thinks honesty is for little kids
And lies are the way to go.
Our little Chihuahua would be embarrassed
That teacher thinks he is a St Bernard
Big enough to destroy Johnny’s books
And run with his homework through the yard.
We have new neighbors moving in;
Mom invited them over for tea
Imagine my dear brother’s surprise
As he opened the door to Mrs. B.!
(From "Not the World's Best Poems, But Not Quite the Worst")

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