Friday, February 17, 2006

Behind Each

Behind each book
There is an author
Behind each design
Is a designer
Behind each quilt
Is a quilter
Behind each sermon
Is a pastor
Behind each creation
That is made Is a heart that may be tender
And perhaps a bit afraid.
Afraid they might be a failure
At what they love to do
But willing to take that chance
And offer their heart to you
For behind each product
Is a heart that can be
Hurt to it's very center
By remarks from you and me.
Where would we be without the contributions
That those who God great talent has given
What would our world look like
Without those folks so driven.
For although beauty of our earth
Was done by God's own hands
He so lovingly bestowed talent I
nto His most precious creation -man.
And He must watch us from His Heaven
And beam with Fatherly pride
As He sees those who use the talents given
From their hearts He placed inside.
Let us enjoy the beauty God gave us
In the form of earth, land and sea
But appreciate the gifts of others
At every opportunity.
And remember that behind each one
Each precious work of artwork, poetry or prose
Is a person, is a heart, is a spirit......... All of those.

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