Sunday, February 12, 2006

A Poem a Day

Family Name

My father took it seriously
As had the ones before him
To keep his name unblemished
As did the ones who bore him.

He kept his name unblemished
And maintained it spotlessly
So that it would be a treasured gift
When he passed it down to me.

I think of this when I am tempted
To do something that is in bad taste
It keeps me out of trouble
And prevents me acting out in haste.

I remember all the ones before me
Who handled their name so respectfully
And I would not want our family name
To come to dishonor with me.


Litttle One

Sweet little baby snuggled in your bed
I say your name to you
As I pat your tiny head
And I ask God's blessing upon you
As so peacefully you sleep
And that honor for this family name
Throughout your life you'll keep.
It has been unblemished
Though trials have come its way
And your daddy proudly gave it to you
On your naming day.
Sleep sweet little one
We are so glad you came
And proudly we bestow on you
Your daddy's family name.


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