Saturday, February 11, 2006

A Poem a Day

For Those in Pain

Just a little note to say
God sent me to you today
With a loving little note
And also a hug or two
To let you know that He is here
And how much He loves you.
He knows your heart is hurting
For He sees inside
He knows the sleepness nights you've had
And about the tears you've cried.
We do not understand the "why"
And wonder at the "how come"
As we look at the miracle
Of your precious little one.
Wrap this little one in love
And treasure them each day
For they are a treasure
That God has sent your way.
There will be times of trial
When you wonder what you should do
But know that at the end of the day
God will have seen you through.
Rejoice in each milestone reached
By the little one in your care
And know that those who love you
This excitement of yours will share.
For each moment of realization,
Each completed and learned task
And each precious word spoken
Brings rejoicing to a mother's loving heart
That is hurting but not broken.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw you post this at Two Peas and it brought tears to my eyes! Thank you for creating such a beautiful poem about Autism! I hope you don't mind - but I also listed it on my blog - more for me to be able to reference it and remember it. Thanks Thena!