Wednesday, January 18, 2006

A Poem a Day

Our Love for You (Downs) (Loss)

We listened as the doctor told us that you had "Downs"
And we had no idea what that would mean to us or you.
We only knew that we had wanted you
and waited for you
and loved you.

We listed to what the neighbors said when they saw you
and how they sympathized with us that you were not "well"
We only knew that we had brought you home
and needed you to be with us
and that we loved you!

We listened to well meaning friends when we lost you
and how it was better because your health had never been quite right...
We only knew that God in Heaven loved you
and wanted you
and was waiting for you
and you were perfect in His sight.


Our Love for You (Downs)

We listened as the doctor told us that you had "Downs"
And we had no idea what that would mean to us or you.
We only knew that we had wanted you
and waited for you
and loved you.

We listened to what well meaning folks said when they saw you
and how they sympathized with us that you were not "well"
We only knew that we had brought you home
and needed you to be with us
and that we loved you!

We are so grateful to our friends who share our love for you
and who never say how sad that your health will never be quite right...
We only knew that God in Heaven created you
and sent you to us
and loves you
and you are perfect in His sight.

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